Is there anything more curious than a hotel which men and women frequently
use only for a purpose of love affair? But here in Tokyo, such hotels are
collectively located in many neighborhoods. People call them Love-ho-gai,
Love Hotel Towns.
Among such towns, Ohkubo, Uguisudani and Maruyamacho are particularly famous for their big scales. Dozens of hotels stand side by side along the road, so couples can choose one of them for their secret pleasure. In the hotel room, many equipments are available to increase the pleasure. Movable beds, enormous mirrors on the ceiling and see-through baths make couples much more excited. Vibrators and other exciting tools are also available.
Maruyamacho is situated in a neighborhood of Shibuya. It started as Akasen, half authorized zone of sex industry, in modern ages. After the anti-prostitution law was enacted in 1958, many service houses changed into love hotels.
The town of Maruyamacho is popular among young people. They enjoy the fashionable Shibuya life and make a love play at Maruyamacho. The town is restlessly opened to them. You might call it a Loversf Wonderland.